Connor Monis

Product designer and full-stack developer based in California, specializing in UI/UX design, database structuring, automation, and low-code/visual development. I utilize tools such as Figma, Webflow, Flutterflow, Supabase, and BuildShip to craft impactful, intuitive, responsive and solution-oriented products across mobile and web platforms. Feel free to explore my latest work and don't hesitate to reach out - I'd be thrilled to work with you!

Product designer and full-stack developer based in California. Dedicated to transforming complex problems into elegant digital solutions.


Thanks for stopping by! Designing has been an amazing outlet for me to explore and grow in all of the things that I love and I'm so grateful to have stumbled across it. Before my work in design and development, I spent over 10 years as a strength & conditioning coach in both the collegiate and tech/corporate space, training athletes and with a mobile fitness startup in San Francisco, CA. I'm a health and wellness fanatic, which stemmed from my love for nutrition, athletics and weightlifting. I grew up playing soccer, baseball and football and continued with baseball into college within my hometown of Fresno, CA. I currently enjoy golfing, climbing, hiking, cooking, cycling and playing pickle-ball here in sunny Pismo Beach, CA. I'm eager to grow and take on new challenges in my design career and can't wait to hear about your next project. Reach out and say hello!